Monday, October 8, 2007

Cigarette is a killer

Many people like to smoke. They can smoke in any situation. For example, they can smoke when they feel boring or nervous. Sometimes, they smoke because they want to smoke. They do not think about their bodies or what nonsmoker’s are feeling. Also, there are many studies to warn us that cigarette is not healthy and many people are killed by cigarettes. Therefore, cigarette should be illegal because it causes health problems, social problems and personal problems.

First, cigarettes cause problems of health. Many smokers have the problem of the lungs. For example, smokers get lung cancer easier then nonsmokers because the carcinogen such as nicotine leaves in the lungs and the lungs can not release the carcinogen. So, the carcinogen causes lung cancer. Also, smokers have the high blood pressure problem because of nicotine. For example, if a smoker gets too much nicotine, it will cause the blood platelet to barricade in blood vessel, therefore, they may get palsy. Smokers should quite smoke as possible as they can because cigarettes make many problems in our bodies. Therefore, cigarettes should be illegal.

Second, cigarettes cause social problems. Cigarettes cause environmental pollution. For instance, some smokers do not drop the cigarette into the trash can when they finish their smoking. They drop their cigarette butts everywhere. Therefore, the environment becomes very dirty. Moreover, cigarettes can cause big fire in the forest. Many people like mountaineering and camping in the summer. Smokers may optional drop their cigarette butts without extinguishing them; so, big fire will happen because of cigarettes. The government should talk to people how cigarettes have big influence in our society and try to make cigarettes illegal.

Finally, cigarettes cause personal problems. Smokers do not have good impression for nonsmokers. For example, if a smoker meets a nonsmoker in a public or private place. The nonsmoker may not like the smoker because the smoker has bad small from his or her mouth and the cigarettes smell bad. Furthermore, cigarettes make smokers losing a lot of money. Hitti(2005), claims that the average net worth of nonsmokers is 75.000 dollars each year; however, the people who smoke cigarettes at least a pack a day lose 8.400 dollars. Therefore, smokers become poorer than nonsmokers. Cigarettes cause problems of personal finance and relationship. So, cigarette should be illegal because it cause people may not have good live style.

Approvers of cigarette claim that it is safe for our society. However, this is not right. In fact, cigarettes cause the biggest influence in our society: secondhand smoke. The secondhand smoke kills many nonsmokers. In “Secondhand Smoke and Your Family” the author tells us that there have 22.700 to 69.600 nonsmokers been killed by secondhand smoke. This information tells us secondhand smoke is danger for nonsmokers. Also, if a nonsmoker was killed by secondhand smoke, he or she can not know who is a murderer. For example, if a nonsmoker gets secondhand smoke from many different smokers then he gets lung cancer. He can not accuse anyone because he does know who the murderer is. Thus, the cigarettes are not helpful for us. Government should make laws to reject cigarettes because many people like to smoke, but they do not know they may kill nonsmokers.

In conclusion, cigarettes make our bodies become unhealthy and they make our environment become dirty. Moreover, we can not get good life if we are smokers. Therefore, cigarettes do not have any advantage for our world. Government should teach people to stop smoke by any specific way such as using advertising or playing short films on the TV and try to use laws to limit cigarettes with step by step till cigarettes become illegal.


Hitti, M. (2005, February 4). Smoking is bad for your wealth. WebMd Better Information. Better Health. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from

Secondhand smoke and your family. (2006, August). American Lung Association. Retrieved September 6, 2007, from

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